Friday, January 18, 2013

Three Things I “Bug Out” With

If there was a major catastrophe and my family was forced to “bug out”, and I could only take three thing that would continue my families culture it would take a lot of thing ahead of time. I guess now would be a good time to start and figure out just what I would take. I have many items in my house I have collected over the years that has belonged to family members and friends that could represent many feelings, culture, emotions, memories and the list goes on. What I would take on my journey is the following:

  1. Photo Album-This item would be the item I would not give up. Photo albums tell a whole family history, where it started and where it ended, and the journey along the way. I will refer to the old saying, “A picture tells a thousand words”.
  2. Quilt-I have a quilt that my aunt’s mother has sewn for me, by hand, no machine involved. This lady was only related to me by marriage, but nonetheless a bug part of our family’s history. I came from a family that made many of our own items and all the ladies would sew. My Grandmother and Mother sewed most of my clothes growing up. They would send all the scraps to “Granny Great”. Granny great would make these hand sewn quilts out of the remnants and pass on the quilts to family members. I will never forget when I received my quilt, I was only eight, but I still have the quilt and I am fifty years of age. I proudly display the quilt on my wall. This quilt has many memories because most of the scraps used for the making were remnants of clothing I had worn as a child. The quilt represents many of my childhood memories and brings to mind many stories that go along with the memories.
  3. Sketch Book-I would narrow my sketch books down to just one to take on my journey because my sketch books tell stories of how my family evolved into the family we are. There are many pictures that tell portray my family as well as poems and stories. I guess you could say my sketch book is a type of diary.
   Taking only three items would be a big decision, but a necessary one. It is a good time to start thinking about such a big decision because the time might come and it would be a good idea to have these items in a special place just in case something were to happen.


  1. Tammy,
    The story of your quilt is so beautiful! How lucky you are to be able to see remenants of your past! I also agree with your idea about bringing a photo album! I scrapbook and created an album called "The Story of Us" which begins with our wedding, and continues through the births of our four children, their childhood, and our family's togetherness and adventures! Thank you for sharing your story!
    Marie Walkow
    Rhode Island

  2. Hi Tammy! I truly enjoyed reading your blog post! Like you, I also chose to bring a big photo album. I hold all my pictures and memories very close to my heart. I could never live without photos of my families journey from beginning all the way up to now. I find it amazing that you would bring a very special quilt that your Aunts Mother made for you. How special! Isn't it amazing how the smallest things bring such joy and meaningfulness to our life? When you talked about how most of your clothes were sewed as a child and how your parents would send the scraps to "Granny Great" it reminded me of a precious book that Dolly Parton wrote. It's one of my all time favorites and if you had not read it, I truly recommend it just because of your quilt and the meaning behind it. I bet this book would hold great meaning for you as well. It's titled " Coat of Many colors." Very awesome that you journal as I do as well! Great post!!

    Stacy Perry
    Seymour, Tennessee
