Wednesday, February 20, 2013

An Immigrant Family

My daughter attends high school with an immigrant girl from Russia. Her name is Tatiana and she and her family moved here, Western Kentucky, three years ago. The reason they moved her was because her father got a job with one of the local chemical companies. Tatiana’s family consists of a mother a father, and her. Tatiana and her father speak English, her mother does not. Tatiana states that her mother has a difficult time communicating in the community and stays home most of the time. Tatiana and her father speak English enough to communicate with others, but sometimes find it difficult when people use “slang” or certain phrases they are unaware of. They take everything literally, Tatiana said one of her friends said, “Let’s bounce”, and she thought why are we going to bounce? Her friend had to explain to her it meant something different, “let’s leave”. The two things mean totally different thins to Tatiana and this is hard for her to understand.
     Language can be a barrier and this is way I would like to learn how to communicate with people that do not speak the same language as I. I feel bad for Tatiana’s mother, who does not want to leave the house alone because she is not comfortable communicating in the community. I want to learn other ways to communicate, other than language to help everyone involved feel comfortable about the unknown. I don’t want anyone to feel like an outcast and become isolated.
     When people from other countries, or even our own, do not know how to speak the local language of where they chose to live, they can become frustrated and do not even want to try. Students can suffer when their parents do not speak the language of the school. This sometimes intimidates the parent and they are not involved in their child’s school experience. Without the skills to communicate with each other, understanding diminishes between the parent and the teacher. We as educators must create a welcoming environment for parents, students and accommodate the entire family. We should want all to be involved in the education process.
     The reality of Tatiana’s mother not being able to communicate with other people in the community has had many lasting effects on her. Tatiana stated that her mother does not like to leave the house because of the lack of understanding English and the communities’ lack of wanting to try and understand her. Sometimes we treat people different when they are not the same as us and we need to educate all families we come into contact with, not just the people who speak a language other than English, but teach everyone to embrace our differences. The community has let Tatiana’s mother down because of their lack of understanding culture, and differences. This can have lasting effects on Tatiana’s family because they cannot build a support group in the community. In Tatiana’s situation we have all failed her, the school and the community. This brings me to the reason why I need to learn ways to communicate with others that do not speak English. We do not necessarily need to learn the entire language, but find ways to communicate nonverbally too would be a start.

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