Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Great Resource

   ZERO TO THREE is a national non-prophet organization in Washington D.C. Their mission is to promote the health and development of young children. The website gives specific information about early experiences in childhood development that helps all people involved in the lives of children. The website has tools and resources for adults who influence the lives of young children. ZERO TO THREE has three main goals:
  1. Train professionals and build networks of leaders
  2. Raise public awareness of early childhood issues
  3. Influence policies and practices
   Navigating the ZERO TO THREE website is very simple and user friendly. The main page has such topics as, Featured Resources, What’s new, and Downloads of the week. At the top of the Home Page it has six tabs to click on for information. The tabs consist of Home, Behavior and Development, Maltreatment, Care and Education, Public Policy, and About Us. There is also a search tool in the same row at the top of the home page to help you find anything that might not be mentioned. The left-hand side of the home page has the ZERO TO THREE mission statement. At the bottom of the home page there are three tabs to click on, Military Family Projects, National Training Institute and Early Head Start. Below these tabs is the contact information for the ZERO TO THREE Organization. You simply need to click on, and just get started. It will take some time to absorb the information this website has to offer, but time will pass by very quickly because you will never get bored with all the things the ZERO TO THREE website has to offer.
   ZERO TO THREE has been a very useful website to help promote understanding about critical issues affecting young children and their families. It has a large networks to distribute its work to many originations such as, child care centers, home visiting programs, clinics and hospitals. ZERO TO THREE has provided reliable, science based resources on how to promote young children’s health and development. It seems ZERO TO THREE has become the go-to source for professionals and parents alike.


Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families Retrieved on September 13, 2012.

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