Monday, March 5, 2012

Learn Something New Everyday

   After doing all the research in just the first week of class I have found out that my pregnancy with the twins had many factors that could have molded their lives. I had a very high risk pregnancy. I was constantly sick and under complete bed rest, in fact, that’s all I wanted to do was rest. I was in the hospital every other day for IV and I could not keep anything down, including my prenatal vitamins. I lost weight the whole time, in the sixth month I lost over twenty pounds. The twins lived off of my stored fat, lucky there was plenty?
   I delivered my son and daughter at seven in-a-half months, my daughter weighed 4.10 and my son weighed 4.9. My daughter had jaundice as well as my son, but my son had many more issues, my doctor said he had three strikes against me. He was white, second born and premature. All of these factors made him a weak little (tadpole) as my friend called him. He was taken to another hospital for neonatal intensive care and he came home four weeks later at three pounds.
   The twins not only had a traumatic birth, but a very bad prenatal experience with other factors during my pregnancy. I was definitely stressed the whole pregnancy. During this week of studies, I have discovered why my twins are the way they are. I would have never guessed it started at conception, but it did. This is another story. I just found all the things I have learned this week are very true and answered many of my questions.

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